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How Chiropractors Mitigate the Risk of Sports Injuries in Athletes

Written By Russo Chiropractic on April 2, 2023

sports injury

How Chiropractors Mitigate the Risk of Sports Injuries in Athletes

Whether you’re an amateur athlete or a professional, you know that sports injuries can keep you out of the game and away from training for far too long. Our Tallahassee chiropractor can provide treatment, education, training, and counseling to protect your health, safety, and overall wellness as an athlete. Chiropractic care offers athletes numerous benefits, such as:

Improving Posture and Balance

Our chiropractor, Dr. Fred Russo, can provide chiropractic adjustments that ensure your spine is in proper alignment. He can also offer advice on posture and balance so that you can stay strong and focused during the game. Proper posture and balance will help you maintain your footing while playing sports, so that you’re less likely to fall or trip. A properly aligned spine provides optimal protection for your body, and can reduce your risk of spinal injury, pain, tension, and discomfort after a hard workout or training session. 

Increasing Strength and Endurance

Chiropractors can also help athletes increase their strength and endurance, allowing them to play longer, harder, and faster. Dr. Russo can supervise physical therapy and weight training to improve muscle strength and mass. Chiropractors can also use chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and physical therapy to increase your range of motion and flexibility. All these strengthening techniques will significantly reduce your risk of injury while playing, working out, or training. 

Preventing Dehydration and Exhaustion

Chiropractors specialize in nutrition and exercise counseling, and Dr. Russo can recommend diet and nutrition changes that will allow you to perform at your peak. He can also help you prevent dehydration, cramping, exhaustion, and strokes by monitoring your levels, providing dietary supplements, and providing preventative care and treatment. 

Treating Sports Injuries Before They Become More Serious

Without the proper treatment, a sports injury can worsen over time and become more serious. Our chiropractor can quickly diagnose underlying sports injuries and ensure you’re quickly rehabilitated without any lasting symptoms or side effects. 

Learn More About Our Sports Injury Treatment in Tallahassee

If you’re an athlete interested in improving your athletic performance, mitigating the risk of sports injuries, or receiving non-invasive sports injury treatment in Tallahassee, come see us at Russo Chiropractic and Rehab. Our chiropractor, Dr. Russo, has over 30 years of experience in treating athletes and helping them exceed their potential on and off the field. You can contact us today at (850) 422-2225 for more information.

Posted In: Chiropractic Sports Injury Treatment Sports Injury